Quercus Metallicus is a Tim Burton-esque, 'Night Before Christmas'
style giant, metallic, interactive tree which would be a perfect
addition to any Christmas, Halloween or Bonfire Night event that wanted
something totally different.

It blows jets of fire from the crown and branches, dry ice seeps from
the top and it is covered in twinkling LED's and lanterns.
Formed from nearly 200metres of twisted steel and copper pipe it takes
the form of a fantasy oak tree standing 3.5metres tall and 6 metres wide
between the branches. With oversized roots and warped limbs it looks
ready to walk off at any moment.
The eight giant branches end in a variety of items: shower heads,
kettles, brass bugles and trumpets, taps and leaves, all of which can be
manipulated by spectators or, in the case of the fire effects, by the
Fire Effects
In addition, the trunk of the tree contains four giant pipes through
which propane gas can be channelled for a fiery evening spectacle.
Pilot lights of approximately 1ft in height flicker like candles from
the pipes and from various brass instruments on the branches.
Electric valves are then operated remotely by the controller to surprise
the public with fiery jets, shot upwards into the sky. Ranging in height
from 3ft to over 10 ft these momentarily illuminate the twisted steel
and orange copper of the tree and as they do so the flames emit a
variety of unusual shrieks, hisses and booms. In fact many people have
likened it to a giant, very hot and visual, drum machine.
To accompany this twilight spectacle dry ice is pumped up and out of the
crown of the tree, drifting eerily around the branches. The limbs are
strung with twinkling lanterns and hundreds of tiny LED's glimmer from
within the twisted steel.