Aurora's Carnival Entertainment Agency supplies performers for all events.

Simple Tom

The Mischief Maker!

 Unfortunately, Simple Tom is no longer available.

We do have other similar medieval wal;kabout acts.....please contact for details

  ‘Foolish street theatre for a smart audience.’

Physical theatre, Improvised comedy, walkabout, mix & mingle, meet & greet for festivals and events

Simple Tom is a buffoon, a fool and a prankster. Spontaneous and always eager to please, Tom has a simple job - to tickle everyone’s funny bone and send them home with a smile on their faces. Always in high spirits, he cavorts around creating a world of play, mirth and merriment. He invites the audience into a world of idiocy, lunacy and playfulness - a world where they can play and be foolish too.

He’s also a bit of a storyteller, a spinner of yarns and if you have the ears to listen, he’ll tell you his tale with a glint in his eye and his tongue firmly in his cheek! Some might call this lying, but Tom would say he just throws in a few fibs to liven things up.


Simple Tom Medieval fool

Simple Tom Medieval walkabout character

Simple Tom with spud puppet


If you’d like a bit of good-natured tomfoolery; then all you have to do is call the number below on your telephonic devise. Or you could always use ye olde email and Tom would love to walkabout, meet & greet or mix & mingle at your event or function and he’ll do it all for a few pieces of mouldy bread or if you’re feeling generous, some money? 


Simple Tom gets married in Sherwood Forest

Simple Tom wedding ceremony Sherwood Forest


“It is your professionalism and enthusiasm for the event which makes the festival so special for so many of our visitors. The friendliness and appreciation which you extend to our staff and volunteers makes it a pleasure to work with you and is greatly valued by us all.”

Izi Banton, Site Manager, Sherwood Forest Country Park – Robin Hood Festival

 For a complimentary copy of my PDF file "A guideline to the various types of entertainment available to book for your event" Click this link


To book Simple Tom,
or for further information, contact:

Chris Ehrenzeller
Aurora's Carnival
166 Dale Road
Matlock bath

Mobile: 07710 788671

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