The horse is a full size (17 hands) robotic horse assembled from
assorted machine parts
and scrap metal it does about all a real horse does, it moves, turns,
reverses, whines,
rears, shits and even breathes fire. It is based on an electric
wheelchair, inherited from the artist's 96 year old grandmother. It
was transformed into a horse for the ancient knight
“Don Quixote” to ride upon.
In street animation work, Paka has been experimenting with how this
newly animated
non-organic animal and its barely human rider interact with the post
industrial public
in a non theatrical environment.
People really seem to warm to it even people who would not normally
have the time of
day for an art event. People see to have an affinity to it for various
reason, possibly:-
ROBO TECHNO EFFECT a whole section of the community that are brought
into interaction
with an arts event, because they have been fed a cultural diet of
‘Robot Wars’,
‘computer games’ and ‘Sci-Fi comic books and films.
INSTINCTUAL HORSE EFFECT where people get involved because they have an
to the horse for a multitude of different reasons, from growing up with
my little pony
to having just lost a ‘fiver’ on one down the bookies.